Thursday, March 21, 2013

Better Late Than Never

After over four years of ignoring and sometimes antagonizing them, President Obama has finally decided to visit Israel.

Has he finally learned that to stabilize the Middle East, the United States needs to have a good understanding of and useful relationship with, the area's only representative republic?

I suppose it had to happen someday.  After all, during a heated election season the Obama administration goes belly up on September 11, 2012.  The President fell asleep at the helm even as he watched the iceberg get closer in real time.  His political luck at the cost of American lives was that the loyal opposition was so politically inept, they failed to field the grounder that was sent their way.  The American voting public accepted the official administration stance, " Oh, yes, yes Benghazi was bad.  Things have to be looked into and things have to be changed, right after the election."

The secretary of state, when she was finally able to sit up and take nourishment, was deservedly sent packing but her boss remains in power.  But at least we have full disclosure on the Benghazi incident!  Oh, ... we don't, ... do we?

Now that he has made a pig's breakfast of the country's economy and has created a government that can't function, what to do next??  Road trip!!

I think it is all George Bush's fault.

I miss Jimmy Carter, at least he had an entertaining brother.