Saturday, December 3, 2011


In this day and age it is incomprehensible to understand that leaders in large and high profile institutions have not picked up on how to handle politically sensitive matters.

What many people have learned is that when bad things happen they should be handled correctly regardless of bad press or increased scrutiny by governmental agencies or the news media. And what is just as bad as the incident in question, is the painful and infamous dissection of the cover-up.

Investigations have begun by state and federal authorities looking into the allegations of sexual abuse at Penn State. Pennsylvania authorities are looking for violation of state law and the U. S. Department of Education is investigating for violations of federal law under the Clery Act. The Clery Act deals with the proper reporting of crimes at or near colleges and universities that receive federal funding.

Grand jury testimony indicates that former coach Jerry Sandusky has been accused of sexually assaulting at least eight boys. Reports indicate that prior to those allegations, Sandusky was arrested in 1998 on similar charges but the prosecutor failed to continue legal action against him.

Reports indicate that football coach Joe Paterno was aware of the arrest in 1998 and of at least one of the allegations that appeared later. He claims he properly reported the later incident but at no time were police contacted to investigate this allegation.

What is more important at a state university, saving the prestige of the university and its football empire or the protection of young boys from sexual predators?

Regardless of the results of these investigations, I can't help but wonder what would have happened if everyone involved, just did the right thing. How much pain and suffering of the victims would have been avoided? How much respect would we have for Penn State today?

Friday, December 2, 2011


Two governors of New York State have recently decided that the state was in such economic turmoil that they could not afford to provide money to set up the New York State War of 1812 200th Anniversary Commemoration Commission. The purpose of the commission was to plan and execute an organized series of reenactment tourism events during the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. Several years ago Governor Patterson vetoed the bill and most recently Governor Andrew Cuomo vetoed a similar bill on September 23, 2011. Both chief executives thought that there would be sufficient money for such purposes from other sources. This was a sound decision in these times of economic uncertainty, or was it?

History tells us that such INVESTMENTS pay off in the long run through sales and marketing, which is inherent in the commemoration activities. These events increase tourism which thereby creates a boon to the local economy of the area that hosts these events. Most certainly the revenue generated by private enterprise and the state, via taxes and fees, would far outweigh the initial expenditure. This is why the legislators have proposed this on several occasions.

One should also keep in mind that the legislators acted on behalf of their constituents, the TAXPAYER! The bill was surely wanted by the people since the measure passed both the Assembly and the Senate, only to be vetoed by Governor Cuomo. He should be cognizant of the fact that the money he controls is the money of the PEOPLE, not the state's. The state gets that money by confiscation of the people's money, through taxes and fees paid. The money comes from New York State residents and all others who do business, travel through, purchase products and get an education, in New York State.

More important than the economic considerations are the sacrifices of the previous generations in our national and state history. Most of the War of 1812 was fought on the northern border of the United States and the adjacent area in Canada. New York State's border with Canada is about 450 miles long and fighting occurred at locations along that entire distance. The blood of New York citizens, the blood of federal troops and the blood of Iroquois warriors was spilled in New York State and Canada along that border. Their sacrifice of blood and treasure should be officially remembered and duly honored.

It is shameful that no commission was set up for the commemoration of the War of 1812 in New York State and equally shameful that similar legislation failed to pass in the United States Congress. The states of Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia and the federal government of Canada are all planning commemorations of the war.

In early 1814, $50,000 was given by New York State to assist in resettling refugees from the Niagara Frontier during The War of 1812. Maybe Governor Cuomo should take a lesson in history from one of his predecessors. Governor Daniel D. Tompkins was governor of New York State from 1807 to 1817.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When are the American people ever going to realize that governments have no money of their own?

The money a government has is that amount it has confiscated from people and corporations by way of taxes and fees. Therefore the phrase "government money" is a misnomer.

Those proposals that call for more government spending to get us out of the economic slump will only exacerbate the problem.

Fiscal responsibility by way of reducing debt, reducing spending and increasing revenue, not through taxes (which will fail) but providing incentives for investments.

The most effective method for increasing revenue would to revamp the income tax codes, both federal and state. Alas, this is politically impossible. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Mother Nature and politics have something in common, both exhibit cyclical behavior.

Now that Newt Gingrich has gained in the polls, the Dems are in unison and on the attack. Newt the college professor, BOOOOOOOO!! Last week it was front runner Cain-on the Hedonist, now Gingrich is in the barrel.

The howls of political discourse are echoing across the land. From fanatic blogs to liberal newspapers and commentators, the message is clear, attack Newt, his fictional writings and his historical perspectives. BUT PLEASE, AVOID REALISTICALLY TALKING ABOUT VIABLE SOLUTIONS TO OUR NATIONAL PROBLEMS!

Sad, so very sad. Remember the good old days when we had Dems like Pat Moynihan and Sam Nunn. Country first, politics second.