Thursday, August 23, 2012


President Obama has made a pig's breakfast of the economy of the United States. 

He has shaken the foundation of the system of checks and balances of the federal government by bludgeoning the Supreme Court. In addition he has made many interim appointments that need no congressional approval.

He has weaken the foreign powers of the United States by apologizing to every country imaginable for our actions.  And at the same time he has failed to take decisive leadership actions in the wake of world events.

He as head of the executive branch he is suppose to enforce federal laws but he has allowed the INS not to enforce immigration laws.

With all this said, he believes his path to reelection is to paint his campaign as a fight for women's rights!

Thank you.  Keep going in that direction.  And please leave a nice note to Mr. Romney when you leave the White House in January 2013.

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